A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hannah Votes!

I took Hannah and Addi with me to vote today (despite the fact that I swore I would never vote again due to being called to Jury Duty next week) and it put voting for elections in a whole new light.

Our ballots, when viewed by a 3-year-old, are rather dull looking.

"Mommy, the names all look the same. How do you know which person to vote for? None of them have fancy writing."

Maybe she's onto something. Campaign managers should lobby to allow their candidates' names being written in glitter on the ballot to glam it up a bit. They'd get Hannah's vote!

"Mommy, what color of marker are you going to use to color in the circles? Why don't they have more colors than black? Can I draw on that piece of paper?"

On the way out, she told one of the election judges they needed to go to the store. "You only have black markers left!"

It also takes entirely too long to vote for all those positions.

"Mommy ... you already filled in a circle. Let's go get our sticker. I'm done already."

In the end, Hannah grudgingly used the monotonous black pen to fill in the circle next to Candidate H on the kid's ballot. She was relieved her ballot was at least printed on yellow paper. Still no glitter, but at least there was color!