A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Musical Discord

Josh Grobin's Christmas CD has finally returned to our listening repertoire these past few days. Each time we listen to it, everything turns positively lovely in our house. Hannah flutters around the living room to Josh's majestic Glorias and Ave Marias. Adelaide climbs up in my lap and snuggles in as he sings "Silent Night," and I even say a few Hallelujahs of my own as our little world becomes a picture of peace.

But ... then Jeff comes home, and the magical trance is instantly shattered. ;)
"UGH! Not that whiny Josh guy again," he moans even before taking his coat off.
It's no secret Jeff doesn't fully appreciate Josh. When I was pregnant with Hannah and felt her kick for the first time while listening to Josh's "Oh, Holy Night," Jeff argued it was only because I was blaring the song too loud and she was simply trying to get away from "all that racket." His disgust for Josh's music is really apparent when we're all in the car together and Hannah asks for her favorite song (which is one of Josh's). Ten seconds into it, and Jeff is all but clawing at the window like a caged animal.
"You can't even understand what he's saying - he's just moaning!"
"Umm ... that would be because this song is in Latin."
(more groaning by Jeff)
Music is an age-old battle in our house. I have always tried to flood the girls with what I think is quality music, and Jeff wants to drown the girls in selections from Tool, Metallica and other jarring selections. One would think that since the girls spend more time with me, their tastes would reflect mine. Yet, I still find myself in sticky situations when Hannah starts reciting Aerosmith lyrics, and Adelaide can shake that tiny little booty of hers to Cowboy Mouth like nobody's business.

Oddly enough, when it comes to real children's music, Jeff has more patience for it than I do. I can take the Wiggles, Justin Roberts and a few others in small doses, but Jeff will turn to musical groups made up of all children and listen to it with the girls for what seems like hours. I last a mere 5 minutes before I remember I needed to start laundry or scrub a toilet.

So where does this leave Hannah and Adelaide in all of this musical mishmash? Well, the girls and I have officially become Closet Josh Lovers. If we're listening to him right before Jeff comes home from work, Hannah will drop whatever she's doing and sprint to the stereo to turn it off at the first sound of the garage door opening. And now that the cold weather doesn't allow us to go outside very much, dancing has become our No. 1 pastime after dinner each night ... and even I have to admit, Aerosmith has one funky beat! And I can't help but like them when they cause the girls to giggle so much!

So if you know of any fun (but still tasteful!) bands out there that we might all be able to agree on, let me know! It looks like it may be another long winter filled with a medley of musical disputes!