A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kindergarten, Kindergarten!

We are eight days and counting until Hannah starts Kindergarten, and if you somehow haven't heard the news and have missed my exorbitant amount of screaming and jumping for joy that certainly sent ripples around the world by now ... WE GOT INTO SPANISH IMMERSION!!!!!! It's been an emotional roller coaster lately, and now that things are settling down and we know where we stand, etc., I can't for the life of me figure out why it has been this hard!

All I can say is, whoever thought it was a good idea to give parents options regarding which elementary school their child should attend should be locked up. Or better yet, he should be required to coordinate a PTO meeting with deranged parents like myself, who somehow became so obsessed with picking the right school for their 5-year-old, that they lose sight of everything else. But, it should be said, I have only been able to say this and have any sense of clarity since last Friday when we got the news our number was up! Before that, I was still on the brink of tears regarding any number of subjects, including, but not limited to: school, Hannah turning 5, saying goodbye to preschool, riding a bus, enjoying our "last summer," packing a lunch, eating a lunch in 20 minutes or less, choosing a backpack, worrying about some brat spilling the beans about Santa ... the list goes on. I was wreck on multiple levels!

Anyway, our trip through Crazy Land has finally come to an end - phew! It began with a school known for problems with bullying, and it took a detour with a school that didn't smell of paste and crayons as an elementary school should; but rather computers, Clorox and conceitedness (a nasty triad of Cs!), but we finally made it! And not a moment too soon - eeks! And now that we're in, I can stop being so crazy! Well ... in regards to which school the girls go to at least!

Hannah is THRILLED to be going to "Caleb and Marta's" school, and she and Addi have spent the last two days practicing rolling their Rs when they say, "Marrrrrrrrrrrrta" and arrrrrrriba! Rather than having Carmen Miranda in our living room, it sounds like a couple of tigers, but it's still pretty funny!

We found out her teacher's name today, and apparently she is also the drama coach for the school - how fitting! She may meet her match when Hannah walks through her doors, however!

With any luck, Hannah won't pull one of her dramatic goodbyes, and we'll be off without a hitch! She's averaging 1 clean break out of 4 in the different camps/sporting activities she's been in this summer (no laughing!), so there IS a chance she can say goodbye without bringing us all down with her!
