Gone are the days spent scouring (and scowling at) recipes for something that could withstand upteen substitutions (not to mention my cooking), and it's been at least a few days since Hannah's put down her fork and said, "Ma Ma, this tastes like bugs," so there must be an improvement! Kudos to my mom for providing several recipes and making food that not only didn't taste like bugs, but was good! She even found and had a grocer order "butter" that had ingredients we could all pronounce, yet was still dairy, soy and preservative free! Who knew?!
Several months ago when it seemed everything under the sun was causing Addi problems, I would often dream about my first meal and all of the indulgences I would have once Addi stopped nursing. But since we've slowly been testing one item at a time and she's been handling it so well, my "one perfect meal" has been replaced with a month's worth of gluttony! Our family rarely eats out, and since December when Addi started having problems, it wasn't even an option. But we've hit the restaurant scene this past month like rock stars! It's been great knowing I don't HAVE to cook all the time!
But the other night when Hannah (who is also a devout ice cream lover) asked why we were having ice cream "again," I realized maybe I was going a bit overboard. But then again ... I have at least 8+ months of catching up to do, so maybe I'll just have to wait until she goes to bed ... then hit the freezer!
Whoooo hoooo!!!!!
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