A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Born to Run

Our little Addi is on the run! Perhaps from her sister, or maybe the dog ... maybe even the law someday, although we hope not! But she is moving those two feet of hers faster than anyone can get out of her way. Only her squeals of laughter precede her!

Although, like her older sister, I'm not quite sure it can be considered walking as she does it so quickly. In fact, when people ask when Hannah first started walking, I never really quite know what to say. She went from crawling to running, and at 3 years of age, we're still waiting for the day she starts walking. (the exception being when we need to go someplace in a hurry, and then Hannah can make a snail look fast.)

Between dodging Hannah who's continually flying around and the dog's tail that is at a killer height, it's kind of like watching Addi bounce around like a pin ball machine. But she doesn't seem to mind! On days when her big-butt diapers are in the wash and she's wearing skinny-butt disposables, she looks rather startled when she falls down and there's not 3 inches of padding protecting her, but even then she doesn't protest much. At least she's learned at an early age - you have to be kind of tough in this house to make it!

Now I definitely need to get a new pair of sneakers ...

1 comment:

Karen said...

OK, so I can't figure out how to upload my video. It says it's there ... but yet it's not. Sorry. That's the best part of this story - seeing her goofy grin while she makes her way across the room!