A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Bright Side of an Ear Infection

It dawned on me that Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner, and if things kept moving in the direction they have been lately, the girls would never be awake to see Jeff Monday through Friday. As it is, they have an early bedtime of 7 or 7:30, but there are days when we can barely make it to 6:30. No matter what we do to try to push it back, the girls push harder. Neither one of them is a fan of sleeping in, and we already fall FAR short of those stats on how many hours of sleep each one is supposed to get according to their age, so we just take what we can get.

But just when I had given up hope, Addi got an ear infection. While I was cursing the fact that my baby was sick, the sugar from her antibiotics and pain relievers sends her running laps around our kitchen at 8:30 at night!

What's more, the ear infection may have actually gotten two birds with one stone. Verdict's still out, but as of tonight, she doesn't want to nurse, so we may have pushed back bedtime AND weened all at the same time! As for Hannah, she will be an easy one to keep up later. If she knows Addi is awake, there's not a force in the world strong enough to make her go to bed first!

Even an ear infection can be positive!

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