A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Hannah

The girls and I were driving in the car the other day and Hannah decided that being a walking encyclopedia of strange facts would be the best way to entertain us all. Adelaide giggled with every animated gesture Hannah did, and I giggled at every little random factoid she spout out.
"Goats live on mountains, Ma Ma. When I'm bigger - like Marta - I can live on mountains, too."
Glad to see she was setting such lofty goals, but not sure living with goats was every mother's dream.
"Insects have six legs. Except spiders. They have eight. They're anakids."

"Arachnids?" I ask.

"Yes, that's what I said, Ma Ma."

"Hmm. OK"
She rattled off a few other facts from books we've read or discussions we've had, but then she surprised me with one:

"When garbage gets old, it turns into dirt."

It was one of those very proud mom moments that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Why yes, Hannah, you're right! How did you know that?"

"Mmmm. I don't know, I just did," she said. "But that's kinda silly!"

We hadn't talked about compost with her, so I wasn't sure where she picked that up, but was exceedingly proud of her comprehension nonetheless. Then she followed it up with:

"And when water gets old, it turns into trees. And the sky eats clouds when it gets hungry."

And ... there it went. Poof!
Well, it was good while it lasted!

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