A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tired of Being Sucked On

Addi is now 6-months old! Whoo hoo! And while that is exciting news all by itself, I can't help but have a selfish thought that this also means that I am that much closer to being done nursing forever! I didn't realize just how much I don't like breastfeeding when Hannah was little, but it has been brought to the forefront this time around, especially when pumping is required. Jeff knows to steer a clear distance from me for at least a half an hour after I pumped because it puts me in the worst mood imaginable. Nursing is one thing - you get to cuddle up with your baby and kiss those hands that reach up to bat at your face as a gentle little reminder that this is her time, and you need to stop talking or doing whatever it is you're doing besides gazing at her. Needless to say, there is no magic moment with a cold plastic pump. And being tied to a plug in the wall - not ideal for anyone, especially a mom.

I am completely behind the health benefits, convenience and cost-effectiveness of breastfeeding, but there just comes a point when you are tired of being sucked on! I recently told my sister that I think that would make a great bumper sticker.

Going into it the second time, I knew I had to change things as I had such horrible memories associated with nursing with Hannah. For instance, I refuse to sit on a toilet in a public restroom and nurse with Addi. And when she wakes up in the middle of the night, I take her into our bed rather than sitting in her room half-undressed and shivering, willing her to hurry. Those two alone have made a tremendous difference on my outlook!

But, I still find myself looking forward to the day when we are done. A grand celebration will be had! There will be cheese, and there will be chocolate. But most of all, there will NOT be boobs!

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