A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Sounds of Quite Time

We're on week two of substituting Hannah's nap for quiet time, and the circles under our eyes are proof of it. I'm starting to think this may have been one of those ideas that sounded better than it really was. But too late now! Hannah's rolling with it!

During quiet time, she's supposed to do things like read books by herself, listen to books on tape, make beaded necklaces, do imaginative play, etc. Ha! But, it mostly consists of her running in and out of her room updating me on whatever it is she's doing, singing at the top of her lungs any song she knows (and several songs she's made up), or looking out the window trying to get passersby to wave to her. In other words, quiet time is anything but quiet.

I keep thinking one of these days, she'll get it as she so desperately needs a little down time in the afternoon to make it through the evening. Actually, we both do! So, I was thrilled the other day when all of the sudden I noticed the house was quiet. Addi was asleep, but Hannah's quiet time was actually quiet, too. And a few minutes had passed without her bursting through her door announcing, "I be all done with quiet time now, Ma Ma!" She had actually fallen asleep during quiet time! Whoo hoo!

Taking a nap was always something I listed as one of the things she could do during quiet time, but she always insisted she did NOT need a nap and would find "other things to play with - I don't need one. I just like to play, play, play." So when she woke up, I tried to make it into this great thing she had done and didn't she feel better after her nap, etc. But her answer was a tearful, "I not mean to - it was an accident. I don't like to take naps, Ma Ma!"

Now she's moved into the state of denial and doesn't even admit to accidentally falling asleep the other day, and she's working even harder to stay awake this cold, rainy afternoon again.
But I have faith it will get better. It has to, right?! :)

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