A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Mommy, I'll Get the Phone!"

Famous last words.

We were all in Adelaide's room the other day when Hannah jumps up and announces that she would get the phone. Hannah can't exactly reach the phone, nor does she know which buttons to push to answer it (one has to be discreet!), so I quickly finished changing Addi and started to walk downstairs to see if I could pick it up before it rolled over to the answering machine. But Hannah had rerouted to our bedroom and picked up the phone on the bedside table - the phone that doesn't ring, but also doesn't have any buttons to push in order to pick up. Eeks! As I hear her asking, "want to come over to our house and play with me?" I ask, "Hannah! Who are you talking to?!"

"Uncle Burke," she answers very nonchalantly and rather annoyed that I am interrupting her very important conversation.

Phew. So she continues to relay the various parts of her morning thus far and asks a few more times if he wants to come over and play, then tells him goodbye. I reach for the phone to see what Burke wanted, but he had already hung up. I hit Caller ID to call him back, but instead of Burke's number, it starts dialing our siding contractor. Uh oh. Our siding contractor is a lovely man, but I doubt he had planned for a 5-minute conversation with a 3-year-old about what she had for breakfast and how there was currently a spider in her room AND in the hallway.
When I did get ahold of him and apologized, he said he had a good laugh and asked if she was jumping up and down while talking about the spiders (which of course she was!) because she sounded out of breath while asking, "Don't you see it, Burke ... he's right there! Ooh, he's moving! See??!!! He's right there ... LOOK!! Where's he goin'? Maybe I follow him."
Maybe she's ahead of her time in thinking we can all see what she sees while talking on the phone!
Oh to be 3!

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