A collection of our girls' stories and how they continue to keep us young at heart, yet make us gray in doing so.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hannah Declares She Will Marry "Her" Caleb

Hannah was recently enthralled with my wedding ring, and wanted to "wear it all day and be married." I told her she needs to get bigger before she can get married (at least 50!), and she needs to find someone she loves very much ... and then she can have her own ring and be married.

She thought about that for a minute, then informed me that she would marry Adelaide. "I really love her, Ma Ma," she says. I explained to her that marrying your sister probably wouldn't work so well, but that she'll meet someone someday when she is older, and can decide if she wants to get married then.

Hannah thought about it a little more and asked, "When I be big like My Caleb, Ma Ma? Then I be married?" hmmmm. Size wise, yes ... age wise, no. So I told her she needed to be even bigger than Caleb because even though he is 6'3", his 13 years of wisdom wasn't enough to be married.

The wheels turned a bit longer, then she folded her hands in her lap like her mind was made up and stated that when she got bigger ... and Caleb got bigger ... "we be married!"

With that little bit of business all wrapped up, she hopped down from the kitchen table and turned on some music and started dancing. One of life's major decisions was just checked off her list, and she isn't even 3-years-old yet! I didn't have the heart to tell her that marrying your cousin is generally frowned upon in our culture today as she was so certain that was how things would turn out! And of course who wouldn't want their little girl to marry Caleb!

But it took me back to when I was at my parents' old house sitting at their kitchen table, holding back my own tears, as I had to tell Caleb that I loved him more than anything and would LOVE to marry him if I could, but I just couldn't! Caleb was probably the same age as Hannah is now. We have come full circle!

To Caleb's relief, she has yet to ask for a ring (clearly the only value in being married in her book!), but I think there will be trouble when he starts dating down the road! Watch out - Hannah has staked her claim!


Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Shirley said...

One day she'll change her mind and she'll want to marry her daddy instead!